Community Visioning

Collaboration is an important part of living in a multi-town area like the Mad River Valley and nothing demands collaboration more than long range planning.

Dream it.

In 2014, when the Mad River Valley Planning District was convening the Trails Collaborative, the towns of Waitsfield, Warren, Fayston, Moretown, and Duxbury, in addition to the Mad River Valley Chamber of Commerce & Rotary Club, we received a grant to do a watershed-wide, long-range vision for Active Transportation. That plan, called The MRV Moves Plan, has provided a cohesive framework for creating a vision of a connected transportation network and recreation facilities throughout the Mad River Valley.

Plan it.

An advisory committee made up of Trails Collaborative members and other stakeholders undertook extensive community outreach to gather information. The Plan resulted in a “future opportunities map” to help guide the development of: active transportation and trails, recommendations for village center improvements, educational and outreach opportunities, and designation of the active transportation system.


In 2021, the Mad River Valley Recreation District began convening Trails Collaborative meetings. A new working group emerged, stewardMRV, focused on stewardship of our swim holes and trails heads. Moving forward, the Trails Collaborative is poised to work on other initiatives which enable community participation in long-term visioning and fulfillment of rewarding recreational opportunities for all in the Valley.