Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible?

  1. Non-Profit Organizations

  2. Municipalities

  3. Citizen groups provided there is a demonstrated plan for completion or any on-going maintenance or operational needs to sustain the project

What are eligible projects?

  • Projects, programs, materials or facilities that contribute to public recreation in the Mad River Valley. Funding for facility use, services and improvements at businesses that support non-profit organizations are eligible as part of a grant application from a non-profit organization.

  • The MRVRD Board defines recreation based on health and well-being stemming from physical recreation. At this time, we are not accepting applications for arts or cultural programs.  

  • The Board will consider funding needed for staff to operate specific programs, but will not fund a staff member’s salary or pay volunteers. Since our goal is to fund as many worthwhile grant requests as possible, we will not fund a staff member’s time to work on a specific project as we consider the staff member’s time to be the non-profits’ contribution. Example: MRVRD pays for design and fabrication of a sign, but will not fund a staff member to manage the project or install the sign. Staff or coach training and certification expenses are eligible.

    In recognition of reductions and tight school budgets, MRVRD will consider grant requests from PTOs as a way of supporting important programs that help children and teens

  1. Off-cycle grant requests (meaning grants that are submitted after the application due date) may be considered if funding is available and the Board deems the request worthy of review. Potential grantees are highly encouraged to submit grants by the due date listed. The chance of getting MRVRD funds after the annual grant due date is highly unlikely.

  2. Off-cycle grant requests (meaning grants that are submitted after the application due date) may be considered if funding is available and the Board deems the request worthy of review. Potential grantees are highly encouraged to submit grants by the due date listed. The chance of getting MRVRD funds after the annual grant due date is highly unlikely.

    What criteria is used to determine a successful grant?

A successful grant will be complete, accurate and submitted by the due date of November 1st. Applications are considered with the following factors to ensure grant awards provide broad and lasting benefits to our full community of local residents and visitors.: 

  • Target audience and impact: potential for the project to strengthen and expand access to recreational opportunities for all members of our community (youth, seniors, families, etc) and contribute to the health and well-being of the Valley. 

  • Benefit to the local economy: potential for the project to support economic vitality in the Mad River Valley

  • Project sustainability: potential for the applicant to ensure completion and long-term management/operation of the initiative.   

  • Financial need: comparative need for funding and capacity of the organization or project to leverage other funding sources.

  • Demonstrates a commitment  to the goals of Conservation and Recreation Visioning (CRV) by balancing outdoor recreation and ecological integrity

  • Any grant requests involving the construction and maintenance of trails should utilize the CRV online planning tools found on this website.

What is the dollar range of grants awarded?

Grants typically range from $500 - 5,000. Larger grants, in the thousands, are awarded to non-profits that have a positive effect on large numbers of MRV residents.

Are organizations able to get repeat grant funding?

Each year is different in terms of the number of organizations submitting grants and the amounts requested. The MRVRD Board evaluates all grants submitted and while we do not consider multi-year grants, the Board is willing to fund organizations in consecutive years if each proposal is complete and compelling. Just because MRVRD funded something one year doesn’t mean we will fund it or something like it again in future years. Each year we look at overall needs and like to spread our funds among various programs including recreation initiatives for all age groups.

If your organization is awarded a grant, what happens next?

  1. Mad River Valley Recreation District makes decisions about grant funding in late January. The contact person on the grant application will be notified by email. 

  2. Grant awards will be available for reimbursement during that calendar year. MRVRD’s Grant Program is a reimbursement program. That means the organization pays for all items upfront then submits receipts to our Treasurer - actual hard copies or photos of hard copies (sent via email).  

  3. Reimbursement checks are mailed to the address listed on the grant application within two weeks of receipts being submitted.

  4. Upon completion of the project or program, please email a summary of the project and its outcomes (3 - 5 sentences) to our Executive Director along with 3 photos of the work. This will enable Mad River Valley Recreation District to share information about recreation projects with the community and select boards in our member towns that fund the Mad River Valley Recreation District.  

  5. Receipt of project summaries and photos are required before new grant requests will be considered.  

  6. If there are unusual circumstances and the grantee is unable to spend all the funds during the calendar year they were awarded, please email our Executive Director with the following: estimated amount that will not be spent, reason(s) why and approximate date of when those funds would be spent IF the Board allows carry-over. Carry-over is not a given, so a request for carry-over needs to be made before December 1.