Youth Soccer
Mad River Valley Soccer Association's Fall Recreational Program is open to players of all ability levels who live in Waitsfield, Warren, Fayston and Moretown, ages Pre-K through grade six. The emphasis is on learning the game, developing skills, and having fun. Equal playing time for all players is stressed.
PreK & Kindergarten Program: The program will run for 5 Saturdays starting September 11th. Registration is open for any child that will be 4 years old at the time of the program. Cost is $35. Registration closes September 3rd - no exceptions. Register here >>
Grades 1 & 2 Program: There will be two practices a week (days tbd) and one Saturday game a week. The program will run for 7 weeks starting September 11th. Late registration fee is $80 from July 19th until registration closes September 3rd - no exceptions.
Register here >>
Grades 3 - 6 Program: There will be two practices a week (days TBD) and one Saturday game a week. The program will run for 8 weeks starting September 11th. Late registration fee is $80 from July 19th until registration closes August 8th- no exceptions. Register here >>
Coaches will receive rosters on or around August 29th and will contact players shortly thereafter. The first practices of the season generally will be held during the first full week of September. As always, shin pads and cleats are required. Scholarships available upon request - please email!
Register Here:
Location: Mad River Park 149 Airport Rd. Waitsfield, VT